Summary of cycle 2

Today marks three months since I was diagnosed, but also day 4 of the third cycle of my treatment.

Cycle one was though (see reports one and two), but things went well for the second one. Besides some persistent rashes, and lots of small spots on the forehead, I had no physical side effects. I haven’t experienced new episodes of back and abdomen pain, and I recovered about 4 of the 10kg I’ve lost so far – thank you, pastries and donuts! I had a few episodes of high diastolic blood pressure though, so the doctors gave me new tablets to handle it. On the other hand, since back pain disappeared, I stopped taking extra morphine before going to bed!

Preparing pills for the week

As I felt better, I managed to go to the office every day for the past 3 weeks, enjoyed a cinema night seeing Get Out, and woke up at 6:30 to enjoy Record Store Day (even building a companion app for it). I also started exercising again, including a few 30min cycling sessions on the trainer with Zwift (with a bit of hill training), and one miserable attempt at running where I was completely out of breath after one kilometre. It was a bit better a few days later with a walk-run interval, but it looks like I need to learn how to run again – whereas I finished Dublin’s half-marathon last September. I had to miss the Virgin Night Run 10k (for which I registered with Julie in December, before the first symptoms), but hopefully I could do a 5k soon!

Besides those good news re. my physical abilities, it’s still an emotional roller-coaster, even though I’m looking on the bright side of life most of the time. Yet, I have 6 more weeks to wait before my first scan, in order to see how I react to the treatment.


10 thoughts on “Summary of cycle 2

  1. It is yet a great achievement!
    So happy for you to read that your pain leaves you a little bit in peace! Impressive how many pills you have to take indeed:-( sending you my best and looking forward to seeing you with 4kg+ 😜


  2. Great to read such good news! This is the positive effect of your positive mindset. Keep cycling, keep writing, keep gaining weight 😉. Cheers


  3. Sounds good! Do not mind that you are still out of breath when running a bit. When I made the analogous experience 20 years ago, the running / sport in between therapy phases worked fine. At the end of therapy it took a whole year for me to recover the running power of before. So stay brave! Brigitte


  4. Salut Alexandre ! Mon anglais approximatif m’a permis de comprendre que les premières étapes étaient positives et c’est formidable, surtout si les douleurs sur atténuent.
    J ai noté que tu avais la chance de pouvoir te régaler de sucreries sans mauvaise conscience !😊🙌 quelle chance ! Les gamins ne doivent rien y comprendre !!!
    Annie t a montré la part de gâteau en lego qui t était destinée avant que je ne retrouve les coordonnées de ton blog ?
    Bises à tous et ne lâche rien !


  5. Coucou Alexandre! Je suis ton blog et suis content de voir tes résultats positifs ! J’espère que tes pâtisseries sont aussi bonnes que celles de Lyon!
    Courage, à bientôt !

    Romain Chambe.


  6. Comme tes amis, nous sommes vraiment heureux de ces bons résultats. Nous pensons bien à toi, Julie et les enfants.
    Très affectueusement,
    jg & j

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